Contacts and assistance

Sempre al tuo fianco

Customer satisfaction is a timeless value for Biparts. For additional information about the products or the distribution network, do not hesitate to contact our service department.

Phone & Fax

Ph. +39 0835 381589
Fax +39 0835 263519


Mon - Fri8.30 - 13.30
15.30 - 18.30


Fill out the online form.
We will reply within 48 hours of receipt of
the message.


Brecav S.r.l.
via dell’agricoltura, 16 – Paip 2
75100 Matera (MT)
REA C.C.I.A.A. Matera n.43410
Register of Companies of Matera n.2852
Brecav S.r.l. is associated with the Confindustria System

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