The range of Teflon ignition cables is being updated daily to meet the increasing request of white engine.

The range of Teflon ignition wires set is updated daily to meet the growing demand for CNG and LNG engines. “The range has 40 models with Teflon cap extensions or in silicone/polyammide to power engines 24/7, engines that move the economy with the new the new Green Power Style.

Cavi candela linea heavy duty

“Fueled by natural gas, CNG, LNG, LPG directly or converted from diesel engines converted from diesel engines, they need high quality products, experience in the sector, knowledge of the technical aspects of this type of fuel” informs us Angelo Raffaele Braia, Global Operations Manager of Brecav Srl.

Raffaele BraiaSince 1990 Brecav has been distributing GOLDEN LINE® products for natural gas and LPG engines and has over 30 years’ experience in the sector,” says the company experience in the sector,” says the company. Applications: spark plug cables with Teflon extensions and ignition coils for Truck and Bus manufacturers Iveco, Man, Scania, Renault, Volvo, IIA (Breda Menarini) and Mercedes Benz.