We are pleased to announce that company Brecav Srl, specialized in the design, development and production of Ignition Cables set and Ignition Coils, after having obtained the granting of two patents for industrial invention, during 2019 has carried out a project of industrial research and experimental development on tools aimed at the “sheer production” that is a “pure, transparent, ethical” production towards all stakeholders. The project led to the drafting of the corporate code of ethics shared with all employees and its implementation through the use of smart devices appropriately distributed in the plant, in order to monitor the comfort parameters in line with the guidelines of INAIL (National Institute for Assurance on work).
All thanks to the intelligent use of smart-contract as a tool to certify compliance through automatic monitoring and declarations of individual stakeholders. An intangible asset particularly useful in the year 2020, where attention and sensitivity to safety, to the respect of health requirements and to the wellbeing of the employee have been strategic elements to be able to carry on the business in such a complex historical moment where ethics and shared corporate values have represented one of the most important solutions to overcome difficulties and consolidate the competitive advantage. Ethics, business culture, innovation, green economy continue to guide the company Brecav.

In line with the ethical values of transparency declared in the code of ethics, the research activities of 2020, says Antonio Braia, CEO Brecav Srl, have focused on innovation, testing, certification and upgrades in view of green and transparency on the lines of ignition wire set and pencil coils, key elements to build its identity towards corporate social responsibility, with particular implementation of the thematic area of the environment, labor relations and specific aspects relating to consumers. These are the solid value bases on which the company wants to build, together with its customers and partners, a gritty 2021 under the banner of quality and ethics.